Newborn Baby Q&A

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, October 28, 2015 | 3:08 AM

13 month frail not wanting to munch through...he usually LOVES to devour...?
he's 13 months old and teething (we figure with how he's acting he's working on some molars now). He usually LOVES to chomp through but took a few bites of food for breakfast then refused to eat anything else...a short time ago now I tried to give him lunch and again, he...

13 month matured constipated!! What can I afford him?
Normally he has 3 cups of milk and 1 cup of juice in a hours of daylight along with his solid foods. I generally have a cup of sea around throughout the day so he can drink some if he wants to but he doesn't drink much of that. Anyway, I just changed...

13 month older doesn't even speak mama?
i think that you do not have to worry too much .hold a friend ,her baby was like 19 months and she be just say ga-ga ,ba-ba ans little things like that after she turn too she start cliché thinks like ma-ma ,ta-ta and it was not graceful for them ,but ... my friends little one...

13 month prehistoric gag herself? Why is she doing this?
It really freaks my husband out when she does this. She will stuff her fingers down her throat until she gags. She has made herself throw up a few times doing this. She will sometimes put her toys in her mouth and trade name herself gag too. (We have had to go through adjectives of...

13 wk prehistoric teething - struggling to nurture?
My dd was in a great routine - 5-6oz every 4-5hours and sleeping from 10pm latest till 6am. It's adjectives gone out the window now since she started teething. I'm taking upto 2 hours just to take a max of 4oz down and so for the last few days she's been having much smaller quantity than she's...

15 month infirm beside dhiarhea for several days! no set raison d`ĂȘtre? any design?
I'm seriously baffled as to why he has dhiarhea. I have tonsillitis...but I don't have the runs, so why would he? He have been drinking vitamin D milk since he turned a year old, so I doubt its a milk allergy, unless a milk allergy can appear out of nowhere (could...

15 month matured planned vaccination?
Going by the AAP recommended schedule, what shots are to be given at 15 month checkup, if any? i regard as but i am not totally sure if kind of forget exactly but it think they get MMR, hepatitis and i meditate something else but i do not remember I THINK the MMR is one. My son goes...

15 years ripened and need newborn stuff?
you can go to the apposite will or even thrift stores. and ask your friends or family to throw you a baby shower There are recurrently local churches that store baby stuff for young mothers. Call the Catholic ones first followed by Lutheran or Baptist. Many gals I know go to garage sale for...

16 month matured deferred to manage adjectives physical milestones?
Also uses left side less than right, ie when playing and bum shuffling. can now verbs to stand but with legs wide and left foot turned. sometimes crys hysterically and go stiff. cant put my finger on it but her posture just bit unusual. also has squints in both eyes that are getting checked out soon....

16 month old-fashioned have black bm should I be concerned?
i heard if its black or like blood red you should be concerned Call your Dr. ASAP. It could mean intestinal bleeding or an infection. It might be nil, but better safe than sorry. Source(s):

16 month weak getting "i" teeth contained by. Symptoms started next to a low-grade hallucination 1 week ago that last 2 days, the?
following day after the fever broke he had 2-3 mean diarrhea diapers a day, appetite has since decreased and he's be digging at his right ear. Are these normal teething symptoms? He's still generally in a pretty virtuous mood and has still...

18 lbs... Rice cereal?
I wouldn't start feeding any solids until your baby is competent to hold his own head up, sit well assisted, and can move his tongue around. (this is what I was told by my pediatrician) I regard 4 months would be fine to start cereal, even though most people on here are going to tell you to wait until 6...

18 month antediluvian and 3 month prehistoric sharing a bedroom?
I guess I'm a little worried about putting baby #2 within the nursery, because I'm afraid something off-the-wall will happen. What if her older sister tries to give her a blanket or puts something too close at hand her face, or gets her an animal cracker to "share" with her? Big girl will...

18 month wont sleep within crib?
my son is 20 mos. and he is sleeping on the bottom bunk of his bunk bed and it is a futon that turns into a double bed i have a bed rail up so he doesn't plummet out i do not see a problem with this at all he is safe and believe i judge i am...

1st birthday concept and aid beside do.?
My son will be 1 on December the 20th. Since it is so close to Christmas I am having his party on December the 6th. Any ideas for the group, games to play and things like that. It will be a cookie monster party, that might help next to some of the ideas. Also I want to do...

1yr behind the times impressively attached to his pacifier, any suggestions on how to wean him?
I don't want to just take it from him because it comforts him, but I don't want him to be so attached to it, is there a effortless way that worked for you that could help me? I always said I'd never give my babies any pacifier - I...

1yr feeble vomiting next to no other symptoms?
My 1yr old started vomiting up at about midnight and can't keep anything down. He freshly throw up again and he has no other symptoms other then he clearly acting sick he has no restlessness, chills, diarrhea etc. Only thing that happened was at 10:30pm he ate one of my enzyme pills and I checked...

2 month mature little one and poo is green?
2 month old baby boy and poo is green and he does this once a day and have been like this for 2 days now.he is on tacky and easy and renitidine as he has reflux.not sure why this is.he also has a blocked feeler and chesy cant give him n e meds as he...

2 month matured feed conduct?
I'm watching a 2 month old. Whenever he comes he sleeps good for about 3 hours and afterwards he wants a bottle. Then after an hour has passed he wants more, but simply drinks around an 1 oz or less. And then falls back to sleep and after it's be an hour again he wakes up and wants 1...

2 MONTH OLD - won't stop crying ?
My 2 month old baby has be screaming & crying for the past days . He constantly wants to be held up right. Of what I hear he's to young to teeth. Ive be using Dr Browns (bottles). He refuses to eat and sleep. Last night he slept for a hour and be up for the rest...

2 month outmoded and dark time routine?
My daughter is 2 months old. I have started a routine at night beside her of bottle around 7:30 or 8:00, then play til 8:30, then bath, later bed. For the past 2 night she has slept from 9:00 until 7:00 am!! I be so amazed. Usually she goes to bed around 10:30 or...

2 Month outmoded is more than fussy-?
We have a new little girl who has be a big handful for my wife and I. She will not take a bottle or a pacifier. She is super sweet in the morning but by mid day she is immensely fussy and must be bounced or moved all the time, nearly always ending up within a...

2 month shots...?
My little one is getting his 2 month shots tomorrow. I'm so sad for him. Not looking forward to it. How many shots will he get? Will he win end up getting a fever ? I regard they get 4. My son is gonna get his in 2 weeks. My daughter is 22 months and she get a fever every once...

2 months and I still own PPD...I lately dont know what to do.?
I just had a baby 2 months doc said that i should be over my PPD but i am of late so sad and scared of everything...i am on meds. but I still get doomed to failure panic attacks like crazy...all i want to do is hold my infant i cant...

2 months antiquated won't munch through?
I have 2 months old son and he cries during each feed. It's been like that about a month in a minute. I tried different bottles and nipples but still doesn't work. I am pumping. He already had trush and it's gone now. Please help us he lost give or take a few 1 pound in past 2 weeks....

2 months-old sleeping 3 hours today! Is it conventional?
So he woke up at 8.30am. Fell asleep in the car when we went to drop Master 3 at Kindy (30 minutes including for a while walk in the pram). Then slept in arms at home - be crying in the cot - from 11 am to noon. (1 hour) Slept again in the motor...

2 question roughly second baby's?
First, how do these names sound? Bianca Mary Nicole(Mary is after my mother, the other 2 are just name I like) Joshua Michael John(John after my father) These are not set in stone of course...and it is way impulsive! But it's exciting! Suggestions are welcome. Second question, Did you have things surrounded by mind with the second...

2 question within one - almost breastfeeding & bottle feed breastmilk.?
Is it true that when you feed directly from the breast that the baby's saliva goes into the moms breast and then the moms body taylor make the breast milk? second; There is a risk of obesity when you feed a baby formula but is it really formula or the reality that its coming.uthor,
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