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Using a Baby Food Processor to Make Baby Food For Your Baby

Written By Unknown on Saturday, August 29, 2015 | 2:37 AM

Up until now, you have not had a lot of options as to what to feed your baby....basically just breast milk or formula. You probably made these choice based on what was convenient for you and most healthy (and agreed with) your baby. Now that your baby is approaching the six month mark, you should start to introduce solids. It may sound daunting but it is highly recommended to make your own baby food using a baby food processor so we could ensure the food our baby was getting was 100% natural and wholesome. This helps ease their entry into the world of solids.

We decided to purchase a baby food processor and did not regret our decision. I made baby food out of squash from my parent's garden, from frozen peas, from store-bought apples, pretty much anything we could get our hands on that would be healthy for the baby.

One of our favorite foods that we introduced to our baby was avocados because they are one of those foods you can basically live on (if you were stranded on a desert island) so we figured they were providing a lot of great nutrients to our baby (and because our doctor recommended them.)

To prepare the baby food in the baby food processor there are a few steps depending on the food. Avocados are the easiest foods to prepare as long as they are ripe. Simply peal the avocado with a spoon, place the meat of the avocado into the body of the processor, add a little bit of formula or breast milk and blend. It is ready to be spoon fed to your child. Pretty easy!

Fruits like apples or mangoes or vegetables like potatoes will need to be pealed before placing them in the processor. A simple hand peeler should do the trick and prepare you for the next step of steaming or blending.

Harder fruits and vegetables like squash and apples may need to be cooked for a duration and that is why we purchased the Baeba Babycook so you can cook the fruit or vegetable and then use the same container and device to blend it. It actually makes it very easy and makes it possible to turn an entire banana squash (huge) into dozens of pods of frozen baby food.

Another favorite once our daughter was a little older was chili. Using an old family recipe for some wonderful chili and then blending it for our daughter created a meal that both parents and babies can enjoy, although the baby version is blended. After awhile you can really start to take the food that you are eating and blend it down to a consistency that the babies can tolerate with chunks of food no larger than the size of the tip of their thumb to avoid choking. This greatly simplifies making dinner and also gets your baby used to eating the foods that adults do!

When making an excess of baby food, we liked to freeze the excess into ice cube trays (we also like the kind from Beaba) and then place the baby food-slices into freezer bags to be used for months to come. This allowed us to have baby food on hand at all times which was very convenient and it also gave us food to take to babysitters and daycare which we felt very comfortable was safe and healthy for our baby. Once it is time to feed the baby the frozen food, take care to put the food-sicle into a glass dish before placing it into the microwave. Glass dishes are better than plastic dishes in the microwave simply because plastic can be melted at a certain temperature so to avoid having any plastic particles melting into your baby food and causing harm to the baby, definitely reheat with glass. Another recommendation is to purchase spoons that turn white if the reheated food is too hot so that you always know if the temperature is going to be cool enough not to harm your baby's delicate mouth.

It really is amazing how easy a baby food processor makes it to make your own homemade baby food. I recommend giving it a try for your little bouncy bundle of almost-solid-food-eating joy!

Good luck!

Alecia Hoobing is an Internet Marketer, Mom and Adventurer. She loves to run, cycle, travel, read and go on adventures with her husband and four-month old daughter. Her latest project, besides her daughter is to educate parents on how easy it can be to make their own baby food using a baby food processor [http://www.babyfoodprocessor.org]. Check out her blog and story [http://www.babyfoodprocessor.org/tools-and-utensils/the-baby-food-processor-journey].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4852289
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